Don’t be like the Pentagon-Have a plan for cyber-attacks

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Check out the great article by Zack Whittaker over at linked above to get the full details of the report, but suffice to say, last week brought big news in the security sector of IT, as an internal audit revealed the government does not have strict guidelines of responsibility during a cyber-attack.

At Monarchy IT, one of our chief concerns is security.  Whether it be for your business or home PC, we use the most current, cutting-edge software to help us predict and prevent harmful attacks on your PC’s and network.  We also put processes and procedures in place to help mitigate the risk your business is at.  The reason behind our partnership with Bitdefender is just this, there dedication and  result in keeping PC’s safe from harm.

If you want to have more of a plan than the Pentagon or D.O.D. when it comes to your defense and mitigation in case of a cyber-attack, feel free to give us a call at (800) 229-8232 or email us at  We’re here to help you succeed in IT.

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